About Us

High Quality Natural Hay Produced in Harmony With Nature

From our family farm in the heart of the Somerset Levels we produce high quality Hay and forage products, our carefully managed permenant pastures are harvested during the summer months to produce top quality sweet smelling hay perfect for your pets.

Our Hay Box's

Our Hay Box's are picked and packed by hand to ensure you get high quality hay, boxed up and delivered directly to your door ready to feed to your rabbits, guinea pigs and other small pets. 

We grow, harvest, pick and pack all of our own hay, so we know exactly what goes into each and everyone of our premium hay boxes.

Unlike many of the big pet stores our hay is a premium product grown for its freshness and diversity of grasses and plant life, exactly as nature intended and offering all of that lovely healthy foliage for your pets to enjoy. 



Traditional Methods, Modern Technology

From growing through to harvesting we use traditional methdods to maintain our pastures and combine that with the modern technology to